Life is full of fun and excitement with the Oberlin kids. We are so proud of our kids and excited to share all of that with you. Michael and Nikki

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We got our new bunny on Sunday after church. The kids LOVE her, she it too cute. The girls have been holding her a ton, hopefully eventually we can let her run around the yard and then just put her away when we are ready. Her name is Taffy, that was the only name everyone could agree on, Dylan was quite persuasive. She just lays in their arms and lets them love on her. She won't eat the special bunny food, she only likes fresh produce, we have her spoiled already.

Monday, April 27, 2009

T-ball practice.

Gavin and Dawson.
The whole team is enjoying thier food.

Whittney, Maddie and Olivia. They are too cute.

We have had a hard time getting our t-ball practices scheduled due to the rainy spring we have had. This has lead us to practicing at Nathan and Alecia's house, the kids are not to sad about this. They love getting to play with all of their friends after practice. Maddie loves that Olivia and Whittney are on her team and Dylan's favorite person in the world is Dawson, he loves playing with Hayden and Gavin too. We all stayed for a pizza party after practice. It worked great, then everyone was ready for bed when we got home.

Happy Earth Day

We did lots of fun stuff to celebrate Earth Day, we planted a tree, a rose bush, tons of bulbs, filled lots of bird feeders and did some Spring yard clean-up, we also started recycling. If you notice Dylan is not in any of my pictures, that would be because Joel was here and they did not want to help, they wanted to play Xbox and with the cars in Dylan's room. I was disappointed but I decided they were just excited to see each other so I let them go. Why do boys like video games so well??

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My kids have gone to the birds.

As most of you know we are big hunters here at the Oberlin house. Okay, so Mike is, not so much me. I really don't do the whole hunting and eating of wild game. But the kids think it is so cool. As you can see, they were quite proud. Me too, what a guy. Hey Alecia and Kylie, would that make a stew?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter on more time.

We celebrated Easter with Grandma Jean and Aunt Lynn this past weekend. It was awesome weather and their were lots of eggs to be found. The kids had a blast. Then we had another fire and the kids got to play in the mud. The kids had a blast, but they were so messy. Maddie caught a toad that she was very proud of too. It was the first day we have got to be outside all day long, and the kids were so tired.

Spring Bonfire

Maddie and grandpa roasting their dogs.
Macy was being really patient, the girls were so good.

Macy must have been proud of the roasting she was doing, actually she kept catching hers on fire.

We took advantage of the warm weather on Friday afternoon to have a bonfire at my parents. The kids were so excited, Dylan decided to spend the night with Dawson at Nana and Papa's so it was just us girls and grandpa Jeff. We road 4 wheeler, played with the animals and had some yummy food. It was really fun, the girls told my dad it was the best day ever. They have a lot of best days is pretty funny.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Breakfast

Here is Macy enjoying her yummy donut. The sprinkles made it even yummier.
Maddie was excited about her stepping stone. They will be messy, but fun to make, I think we will take them camping.


The kids were seeing what was in each others baskets.

Here is the table before we sat down for breakfast.

I wanted to have a nice breakfast this morning but we ended up being rushed trying to get to church. The kids only wnated donuts anyway. The table looked awesome. The kids also were really excited about their baskets, we did not have time to hunt eggs until after we got home from Nana's house. It was such a busy day, but we had fun. The pictures of the kids in the Easter clothes are on my mother in-laws camera, but I will get them copied soon. They were definetly styling.

Hamilton Egg Hunt

Every year they have a huge egg hunt in Hamilton. They kids love to go because all of their friends are there. They got yummy treats and got to hang out with thier friends, they all won a door prize and got to do the cake walk. Maddie was hanging out with Olivia, and Dylan was so happy to see Logan Hamilton. Macy just loves everyone.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

More egg coloring.

We had my mom and dad over for dinner and to do some fun Easter Crafts. We colored more eggs, and made them into flower pots, we also made some Easter Cookie, we don't have any pictures of those because they were eating them too fast.
The picture is blurry but the color of Macy's hands was similar to her eggs that she colored.

I am not sure what Macy said, but grandpa sure thought that it was funny.

Mike and Maddie were arguing about who had the best egg. They do a great job of arguing, I can hardly wait until she is a teenager.

Coloring Eggs with the Oberlins

Macy did her own hair, pretty awesome huh. She comes up with some great stuff.

We went to Nana and Papa's last Sunday and had dinner and colored eggs. Everyone had a great time, but Macy really enjoyed herself, she dipped each egg in every single color. Her hands were a mess, and the eggs were a scary shade of green.

Easter Party in Smythville

My sister-in-laws, aunt has a huge Easter party every Spring for all of the kids that she is related to. We were invited this year and were in amazement the whole time. They hunted eggs, colored eggs, hung out with the Easter Bunny and had a great meal.

Here is Maddie coloring eggs, she kept dropping all of the eggs and cracking them.
Dylan opened an egg and then ate the treat inside. It was a slow process.

Macy was showing off all of the eggs she found. She had so much fun, she hasn't stopped talking about it.

Macy loved the Easter Bunny, but she was a little scared of the bunny. She kept acting like she wanted to touch his whiskers but then would pull away at the last minute.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Family Fun Night

The kids are having a great time at Maddie's Family Fun Night at her school. They had activities and snacks that were all based on a time in history. They kids were supposed to dress up in their favortie time in the past. Maddie wore a poodle skirt that Nana made for Kenzie. She looked adorable. We could not find anything for Dylan and Macy to wear but that did not diminish there fun. They loved the root beer floats and cotton candy. The kids were all enjoying their snacks at the conclusion of Family Fun Night.

Maddie posed for a picture. She looked a lot better at the begining of the evening. Her hair was in a side ponytail and it was in ringlets.

Yummy floats. They were however quite messy, I guess that probably made them taste even better.

Preschool Library Hour

Macy loves going to preschool library hour on Thursdays. They always have a subject that they learn about, this week they talked about rain. They sing songs and read books about rain. Then each week at the end they do a craft, this week they made rain hats.