Life is full of fun and excitement with the Oberlin kids. We are so proud of our kids and excited to share all of that with you. Michael and Nikki

Friday, August 15, 2008

Macy poses as a little farm girl. She was so cute.
I thought that this would be a great photo op. since the kids really will be hopefully be showing here. Dylan really was being a pouty Paul here so I did not get a picture of him.
They had a miniture golf game at the fair that the kids loved, Macy would try about three times and then she would pick up the ball and throw it in.
Grandpa and Maddie are BFF's. Grandpa thinks this is pretty neat.
They had a litter of baby pigs at the fair that the kids loved, even Macy was not scared of these.

We went to the Indiana State Fair with Grandma and Grandpa Gurtner on Wednesday. It was pretty fun, the kids had to walk and everyone got a little tired. Mike had to work and that sort of ruined my trip a little. The kids had a great time. We played there all day and then stayed all night at a hotel. The kids all got to sleep with me, so they loved that. I was hot, they all were up against me as close as they could possibly get. My parents enjoyed watching the kids have fun. Everything for the day was their treat. We had a good time. They have so many hands on activities for the kids to do that it kept them busy all day. Macy did talk me into carrying her some though.

1 comment:

our family said...

What a fun experience for the kids! They will love to see all of the pictures when they get older.