Life is full of fun and excitement with the Oberlin kids. We are so proud of our kids and excited to share all of that with you. Michael and Nikki

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School 2009

Dylan is not really a morning person, there were lots of tears yesterday, did not like breakfast, backpack, shirt, getting up, and did not want to pack his lunch.
He is really going to miss morning cartoons with his sister. She really missed them too, she kept asking when is it time to pick them up, that was at 10am.

Dylan and his friend Xavier. He was so happy to get to be in his class.

Dylan and Logan, they are good buddies. We are friends with Logan's parents and the boys are so much alike. Look at those little blondes.

Me and my main man, this was before I cried all the way home. He was so independent and happy.

Dylan sleeping peacefully before I woke him up on day one of Kindergarten.

Finally, we waited forever on the bus this morning. It arrived and they were so excited. I hope Dylan is good on the bus, he gets a little hyper sometimes.

Our plan is to take a picture by this tree each year and see how much the tree and the kids have grown when they are seniors. Which will be like tomorrow.

Look at that smile, he was so happy about the bus.

Maddie and Dylan pausing outside the front door, we were headed down to the bus. Dylan had to be there late yesterday for Kindergarten orientation so today was the first day on the actual bus for both of them. That seems to be the highlight so far. That and recess.

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