One of the evenings on our trip we took the kids putt putting. Dylan kept losing his golf ball. Mike was getting a little discouraged having to retrieve it for him everytime.
Dylan was a sand castle building maniac. He liked the beach more than anyone else there.
Dylan makes this little ride look pretty exciting. He looks like he is driving really fast.
Dylan took this truck everywhere. He was surprised to realize that it floats.
Maddie had a great time on our trip, but she was the first to admit to missing her bed and her nana. It was a long time for the kids to go without seeing Kris and Neal.
She is always fast to pose for a picture.
Look at my sweet little girl, I cannot believe that she is 4 already.
This day Dylan was mikes little buddy. It was freezing on the boat tour. We had to get hot chocoalate, in August.

This is the boat tour we took, it was a little boring but Dad and Michael really liked it. They are history buffs.
Macy was being a little monkey. Every five minutes she wanted me to take another picture of her.

Dylan was ready for bed early, he was so cold. It was a high of 60 that day....BRRR. He also has marshmellow all over his face.
Polly Pockets were really popular this trip. Macy got a bunch for her birthday and then Kenzie gave them all of theirs.
Maddie and Dylan were posing on the beach at Brimley State Park in the Upper Pennisula. You would never guess that they fight when you look at this photo. Macy was being too grumpy, I couldn't even bribe her to get her into the picture.
Dylan was ready for bed early, he was so cold. It was a high of 60 that day....BRRR. He also has marshmellow all over his face.
1 comment:
It's great to see that you had a fun time! :-)
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