Life is full of fun and excitement with the Oberlin kids. We are so proud of our kids and excited to share all of that with you. Michael and Nikki

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stroh's Apple Orchard

Dylan with a couple of his friends.
Mr. Stroh showing them how they wash the apples.

Here is Dylan's class posing in front of the sign.

Dylan and his friend Josh. Josh was in his first preschool class, we changed our second year, but they were both so happy to see each other when we went back to school the first day.

We had the first field trip of the school year. Dylan's class went to the orchard. We learned lots about apples and even got to taste them. They also got to walk through the pumpkin patch. Dylan and I bought some apples to make caramel apples this weekend and maybe an apple crisp when Mike gets home from Elk Hunting.

Maddie at dance.

Maddie is in her third year of dance. She is so happy to be back into it. We took last year off. She is doing ballet and jazz.

My little ballerina.

Macy started dance at turning point dance academy this week. She is doing ballet and tap.
Here is my little peanut with Miss Lynette our favorite teacher and the director at Turning Pointe.

Macy is in pre-school.

Here she is doing her first school drawing.

Mrs. Ash really is the greatest. All three kids had her and they absolutly love everything about her. She is a special lady.
Macy and her friend Morgan. They are too funny.

Macy on the front porch, this is the back drop for all of our school pictures.

Down on the farm.

Macy and grandma are cutting her pumpkin to take home. She had to do it herself.
Maddie is always ready with a pose, even when doing some gardening.

Dylan is really proud, he picked the biggest pumpkin that we grew.

This poor kitten gets drug everywhere that the girls go. He really is not fond of the girls.

Here are the kids goats, we keep them at my parents, they are really funny.