Life is full of fun and excitement with the Oberlin kids. We are so proud of our kids and excited to share all of that with you. Michael and Nikki

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Party in Smythville

My sister-in-laws, aunt has a huge Easter party every Spring for all of the kids that she is related to. We were invited this year and were in amazement the whole time. They hunted eggs, colored eggs, hung out with the Easter Bunny and had a great meal.

Here is Maddie coloring eggs, she kept dropping all of the eggs and cracking them.
Dylan opened an egg and then ate the treat inside. It was a slow process.

Macy was showing off all of the eggs she found. She had so much fun, she hasn't stopped talking about it.

Macy loved the Easter Bunny, but she was a little scared of the bunny. She kept acting like she wanted to touch his whiskers but then would pull away at the last minute.

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