Life is full of fun and excitement with the Oberlin kids. We are so proud of our kids and excited to share all of that with you. Michael and Nikki

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Things to be thankful for.

I just read Little Miss Brooklyn's Blog and now would like to take a moment and do as Kelli did. This year I am nervous about Michael's job and the slow down at SDI is causing us to have a little bit different Christmas than we have ever had before, and to be in a situation we have never encountered. It is so important to remeber that I have so many blessing every single day, and if I dwell on what I don't have it would be too easy to miss all the great things I do have. I will not do as comprehensive list as Kelli, but my husband is truly the funniest person I know, between him and the kids he makes me laugh everyday. My parents are the most giving and supportive people I know. They know me so well and can always sense what I need most and then try to help me achieve it. Then the most precious gift I could have ever hoped for are our three children. They are brilliant, loving, kind, fun and somehow I see the best of Mike and I in them everyday. ( I will have to re-read this tonight after our big lunch when they are over stimulated, and over tired.) Anyway when I pray today before my meal it will be lengthy and in an appreciative heart for all the things that God has given me. May you all feel as blessed as you reflect on all of the things you do have.

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