Life is full of fun and excitement with the Oberlin kids. We are so proud of our kids and excited to share all of that with you. Michael and Nikki

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I told Maddie I would make anything she wanted for breakfast today. Of course, she wanted Monkey bread. The moring went so quickly I did not even feel like I could savor it at all. She did wake-up really happy though and that was a nice change. She is not really a morning person, she gets that honest.
Here she is in the front yard before we left. She is so pretty in pink.
Here she is right before we said good-bye. They sit on these bleechers to hear there news for the day and to read stories.
Joel was really happy to start school, he woke Thane and Kylie up at 2am to see if it was time for school yet. Too cute. Hopefully they can both keep up the enthusiasm all year long.

Maddie is a big girl now, she started school today. It does not feel that wierd, it just seems like pre-school. I had to drop her off today so maybe when she actually gets onto the bus tomorrow that will make it seem more official. She looked too cute. As you can see Joel is in her class this year. They were both really excited. Her teacher seems very nice and I look forward to a great year. It is hard to believe she is so old already, but she is definetly ready for the next stage of learning.

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